Ken Yamaguchi writes:
> I think the following would make the build more friendly:
> 1. configure check for libtool
> Otherwise upon "make" after a successful "./configure" one can get
> cd . && aclocal
> aclocal: 33: macro `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found in library
> make: *** [aclocal.m4] Error 1

I think we should just put AM_PROG_LIBTOOL in a local macros file
so we don't need the one shipped with libtool. We now included libtool
in our source directory, so it would always be found.

> 2. more intelligent LINGUAS handling
> On my Red Hat 6.1 install, LINGUAS is set to "en" during a GNOME
> login, which causes the build process to fail in the po directory.
> (A console login sets LANG and LINGUAS to "en_US" which does not cause
> any problems with the build.  Installed are Red Hat's gnome-core-1.0.54-2,
> gnome-libs-1.0.54-1, and gdm-2.0beta2-13.)
> Perhaps configure could check that LINGUAS is set to something legal?
> If not, then at least rpm/ should be changed to "unset
> LINGUAS" before "./configure".

Well, strictly speaking, "en" is a legal value for LINGUAS, so
I'm not sure where things are going wrong. LINGUAS is intended
for people to be able to change which languages get installed,
so setting it, or unsetting it, in the spec file would prevent
that ability, though it's probably not important. I think this
is a bug in the RedHat dist (6.2 doesn't set LINGUAS to anything).


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