While we're at it, why not use the 'netscape' key-codes?
        M-w for close-window
        M-q for quit app
        M-o for open

This way C-* is used for editing (ala readline) and M-* is used for
window operations.  Much more Unix-friendly, IMHO.  Granted, I might
accidentally hit M-q when I'm thinking 'fill-paragraph', but then
again I use emacs too much ;)


Rob Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>>> On 08 Jun 2000 09:49:02 -0500, Bill Gribble
> >>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Bill> Rob Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> good!  That's readline behavior.  I think that C-w needs to be
> >> removed from "close the register window", C-w should stay "delete
> >> word backwards", and "close window" should become something else.
> Bill> Well, using <modifier>-W to close a window has pretty long legs.
> Bill> I would rather lose the delete-word-backwards function
> Bill> altogether than have C-w mapped to something other than close
> Bill> window.
> Rats.  please please don't remove C-h from removing the character
> before the point just because so many people have used it for help for 
> so long.
> I use the readline keys in my normal typing on linux, and I rarely hit 
> return anymore, C-j is just so much faster.
> rob
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