On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 10:47:56AM +0200, Herbert Thoma wrote:
> Terry Boldt wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > > I also suggest that you make it EPSILON instead of .001 and define
> > > > EPSILON in some header file.  Please don't hard code constants.
> > >
> > > Actually, I'd much rather see something like a
> > >
> > >   (gnc:currency-zero? currency x)
> > >
> > > that would know the appropriate epsilons in each case if we're really
> > > going to cut things as close as 0.001.  i.e. are 1/100ths the smallest
> > > denomination in all currencies?
> I know at least one exeption: italian lira, they don't have decimal places
> at all.

Ditto for the Japanese yen and the South Korean Won, neither of which have
subcurrencies. And what about the French? Do they actually use the units
digit of centimes these days? 

BTW, the American dollar goes down to more than two decimal places if
you're looking at stock quotes, because the unit there is sixteenth of a
dollar. But normally you would want to round at the cent level. How are
you going to figure out which limit to apply at any given time?

Shimpei Yamashita                   <http://www2.gol.com/users/shimpei/>

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