>>>>> On 23 Jun 2000 16:17:00 -0500, Bill Gribble
>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Bill> "Ralf Gorholt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> What about for example my salary? In this case, money arrives on my
>> bank account but I don't have a counterpart for it because it's the
>> account of my employer and out of my scope.

Bill> Your employer's account is out of your scope, but the source of
Bill> the funds is still something that you can represent.  You need
Bill> to make an account of type "Income", called "Salary" or some
Bill> reasonable translation.  This is basically like a Quicken
Bill> category; as you get more paychecks, the balance of the account
Bill> will increase and you can see the total of your salary income.

Isn't there a "magic" account which keeps getting bigger and bigger,
like "equity" or something like that?


"The csh may be considered harmful, but I don't find it's use
addictive or carinogenic, and furthermore it came out of bsd and just
about everything in BSD is way disco cool.  So there".  -- Chris Mason

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