Dave Peticolas wrote:
> Matthew Vanecek writes:
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> > --------------E1E09E0E505B939D3EC5995B
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> > Dave Peticolas wrote:
> > >
> > > Matthew Vanecek writes:
> > > > I've been over this, but I cannot figure out what's going on.  Whenever
> > > > I open the transaction report, it crashes with the pictured trace, and
> > > > an "Error executing scheme report".  The error is "Function,
> > > > wrong-type-arg".  The function call is (according to the trace):
> > > > [localtime -4294992496.0].  I can take a screen shot of the error if
> > > > you'd like, but I didn't want to waste the bandwidth...  It seems to
> > > > happen most often when there are large numbers of transactions.
> So it doesn't always happen? If it doesn't happen is the output correct?
> dave

I went back and reviewed the accounts, searching for differences in the
ones that did and didn't work.  After I set the view to the entire date
range, instead of the current year, I noticed that the Opening Balance
on the crashing accounts was dated 12/31/1969.  After I changed that to
something more appropriate, things seemed to work OK.

False alarm or Y2K bug? =P

Matthew Vanecek
Visit my Website at http://mysite.directlink.net/linuxguy
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except me. I'm always getting in the way of something...

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