This was inspired by reading the discussion on the "Report calculations in
the engine" thread.

I can see the client/server architecture being very useful, esp. if it can
be adapted to allow web interfacing - I could then provide a web interface
for each of my clients, and I might even be able to integrate my time
tracking in and generate invoices automatically based on date or amount
triggers. (The latter is much more important and useful to me!)  I might
even want to have two instances running simultaneously on my business and
personal accounts.  The business is a corporation, requires much more
complexity, and must be kept separate.

The database approach is definitely valuable as well.  This would provide a
very straightforward means for generating a range of import/export formats
such as tab-files, XML, etc.  as well as all the other advantages.  It might
also lend itself to a separate 'tickler' program that provides reminders
based on queries to the database.  Security is an issue of course.

I am working on some XML applications now for B2B (buzzword alert!! :O).
XML is certainly not concise, but its adaptability and the fact that DTDs
(Document Type Definitions) can be defined to translate between XML formats
and alsobetween XML and other data formats makes it very powerful for
sharing data between applications and servers.  For example, the latest
version of Oracle 8i includes autogeneration of XML DTDs right from your
schema, if I read the ad correctly.  So I would put an XML im/ex capability
right behind if not ahead of comma- or tab-file import/export.

I know the above is ranging rather far afield and may seem ambitious,
hopefully useful nevertheless.

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