On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, Christopher Browne wrote:

> > > As tax issues vary so much between jurisdictions, and are so complex,
> > > and most people will get accounting advice on them anyway, I'm
> > > hesitant to do them.  
> >
> > You should forget the tax. In each country and in each year are very
> > different and very complicated rules. Such a program has to be
> > separate.
> Probably so.  I suspect this will be true for various complex calculations.

I concur. Gnucash's responsibility is bookkeeping. Maintain the history of what
happened and summarize those transactions in various ways.

If we are handling payroll, we should record the amount paid and the various
withholdings. We should be prepared to generate various summary reports whereon.
However, the actual determination of those amounts should be handled by an
adjunct program.

Similarly, we should record the elements of a sale and be prepared to generate
daily summaries and reports of sales tax collected. However, the calculation of
the sale should be in the "Cash Drawer" program and not a direct part of

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