Herbert Thoma wrote:

>    (let* ((notes (gnc:account-get-notes a))
> +         (notes (if notes notes ""))
>           (key-start (string-search notes key 0))

I inserted the line and got another error (I omited the + ;-) )

Error: gnc_report_error_dialog: gnc_report_error_dialog: error running report.
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/report/tax.scm:172:39: In procedure gnc:account-val
ue-print-info in expression (gnc:account-value-print-info #f):
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/report/tax.scm:172:39: Wrong number of arguments to
 #<primitive-procedure gnc:account-value-print-info>
14  (let ((section #) (name #) (callback #)) (if (not section) (callback) ...))    ...
15  [gnc:option-invoke-callback # #]
16* [#<procedure ()>]
17* [gnc:run-report "Tax" #<procedure dispatch (key)>]
18  (letrec (# # #) (let # #))
19  (let* ((renderer #) (lines #) (output #)) output)
22  (let ((output #) (from-date #) (to-date #)) (do (#) (# i) ...) ...)
23* (set! output (list (map (lambda # #) selected-accounts)))
24* [list ...
25* [map #<procedure (x)> (# # #)]
26* [#<procedure (x)> #<pt-Account*:0x825A308>]
27* [handle-level-x-account 1 #<pt-Account*:0x825A308>]
28  (let (# #) (if # # #))
29  (let ((level-x-output #)) (if (equal? 1 level) (lx-collector 1 # ...)) ...)
30* [render-level-x-account 1 1 #<pt-Account*:0x825A308> 186.7 #t #f]
31  (let* (# # # # ...) (if # # #))
32* [gnc:amount->string 186.7 ...
33* [gnc:account-value-print-info #f]

Error: gnc_run_report: Report output was not a string.

gtkhtml-CRITICAL **: file gtkhtml-stream.c: line 59 (gtk_html_stream_write):
assertion `buffer != NULL' failed.

Herbert Thoma
FhG-IIS A, Studio Department
Am Weichselgarten3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone: +49-9131-776-323
Fax:   +49-9131-776-399
www: http://www.iis.fhg.de/

I was kind of afraid something like this might happen!  If every time where a null string used to be returned, we now get a #f, this could cause a lot of bugs in numerous places.  It would be better to fix the source of the problem, rather than the downstream problems it causes.

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