OK, one thing that we need to do for stock reporting is associate
stock accounts with income and expense accounts containing (surprise
surprise) income and expenses related to that stock.  

I propose to add turn the "account add/edit dialog" into a tabbed
dialog.  The first page would stay pretty much as is, with the removal
of the "security" and "source for price quotes field.  The next tab,
entitled "investment settings" (or something more appropriate if
anyone can think of something better), would have the "security" and 
"price quotes" field, as well as a new account-tree field "related
accounts" where you would specify which account(s) are to be used to
record expenses and incomes for that stock/mutual fund account.  

If, after the "OK" button is clicked, there is not at least one
expense and one income account selected, the user will be asked
whether they wish to create them.  Account creation dialog(s) for the 
missing accounts, set to create either expense or income accounts, 
will be displayed.

I thought about using druids for this, but there doesn't seem to need
to be a fixed sequence.  Thoughts?

Robert Merkel                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"We are excited and optimistic about its usage going 
forward and, yes, we can teach penguins the military 
close-order drill", Mark Norton, US Department of Defense. 

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