Mike Sabin writes:
 > I fall into the category of "wanting-to-help-but-lousy-at-C-and-scheme".
 > Your idea is a good one.  Python is about the only language i'm
 > worth anything in. I will consider it for a few weeks.  December
 > is looking pretty hopeless, workload-wise.

If you get a chance to work on it, that would be great.  We'll see if
anyone else is interested, and if so how to coordinate.

As far as Python goes, I'm language-agnostic for this, but I think
it's clear that a scripting language is the way to go.  If you wrote
it in scheme, you could use the g-wrap hooks to do the work of parsing
and outputting for you.  If you do it in another language, there's
extra work, but we get an entirely independent implementation that can
parse/export gnucash data files.  Either way, it's a win.

Just a general point which is really addressed to the lurkers in
general, don't be afraid to give scheme a go.  It's a little
odd to those that have only programmed in conventional imperative
languages, but once you get your head around it it's got some really
nifty features (including being perhaps the most extensible and
flexible language I have ever used).

Robert Merkel                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"We are excited and optimistic about its usage going 
forward and, yes, we can teach penguins the military 
close-order drill", Mark Norton, US Department of Defense. 

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