Eugene Tyurin writes:
 > Is  this  really something  a  casual  user  who  wants to  balance  his
 > checkbook and know how much he spends on beer can bear?

Unless it's totally transparent to them, no.  Basically, it may be
that GnuCash, in the long term, has to split into two seperate products
(still sharing large amounts of code and developers), one aimed at
business users and supporting database backends and such complexities,
and one aimed at home users and not involving them.  

Rest assured none of us wants to disenfranchise the single home user.

Robert Merkel                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"We are excited and optimistic about its usage going 
forward and, yes, we can teach penguins the military 
close-order drill", Mark Norton, US Department of Defense. 

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