Jonathan David Wheelhouse writes:
> Hi
> My basic question is as the subject says: I want to have both a
> development version and a production version of gnucash.
> Some more explanation:
> I have gnucash 1.4.8 which I want to keep on using; don't want to
> trust my data to the latest development version.
> I got the latest sources via cvs and attempted the
> I installed all the missing libraries (so many!) until I got to 
> configure: warning: guile check failed
> configure: error: 
>   g-wrap does not appear to be installed correctly, or is not new
>   enough.  Right now gnucash requires at least version 1.1.5 to build.
>   If you need to install g-wrap, you can find it at
> So I ftp'd libgwrapguile-dev_1.1.8-0.1_i386.deb and
> libgwrapguile2_1.1.8-0.1_i386.deb. (I run Debian sid, btw.)
> I copied the debs to /var/cache/apt/archives.
> dpkg -i libgwrapguile2...  But, can't install libgwrapguile2 because
> it conflicts with libgwrapguile0; I cannot remove libgwrapguile0
> because gnucash 1.4.8 depends on it.
> So, how do I build the development version and not have it conflict
> with the existing 1.4.8?

You will need to compile one of the g-wraps (I suggest 1.1.8) and
install it in a separate location (say /usr/local/opt/g-wrap).
You will need to pass --with-g-wrap-prefix=DIR where DIR is the
directory you choose to install g-wrap.

You use the prefix argument to configure (--prefix=/usr/local/opt/g-wrap)
to specify where to install g-wrap.

> A 2nd related question: what's the normal procedure after you've done
> the cvs update thing?  make, configure, what?

Usually just 'make' will work, but in some cases you will need to
rerun ./ Try 'make' first.

> And how do I specify where the binary goes or what's called so it
> won't conflict with 1.4.8?

The same as you do with g-wrap, using a --prefix=DIR argument


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