It might be a garbage-collection problem.  I ran it under gdb and it
dies at a slightly different time (but under similar circumstances).
Namely, it asks me whether this file is in USD, and _then_ it dies.
It wasn't doing this before.  Weird.

Anyways, I set a breakpoint in gweap_double_to_gnc_numeric and this is
what I get as I walk through the code:

Breakpoint 1, gwrap_double_to_gnc_numeric (scm_param0=1083809880, 
    scm_param1=2, scm_param2=6494) at gnc.c:11188
11188       SCM_ASSERT((scm_number_p(scm_param0) == 
(gdb) n
11190     SCM_ASSERT(((scm_integer_p(scm_param2) == SCM_BOOL_T) && 
(scm_geq_p(scm_param2, gw__module_gw_runtime_scm_intmin) == SCM_BOOL_T) && 
(scm_leq_p(scm_param2, gw__module_gw_runtime_scm_intmax) == 
11197     param0= gh_scm2double(scm_param0);
11198   param1 = gnc_scm_to_gint64(scm_param1);
(gdb) step
gnc_scm_to_gint64 (num=2) at gnc-helpers.c:594
594       SCM magnitude = scm_abs(num);
(gdb) n
595       SCM upper = scm_ash(magnitude, SCM_MAKINUM(-32));
601       if (upper_mask == SCM_BOOL_F)
608         SCM lower = scm_logand(magnitude, upper_mask);
(gdb) step

So, as you can see, the problem happens in gnc_scm_to_gint64 when it
calls scm_logand().


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Gribble) writes:

> On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 11:27:27AM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > 30* [#<procedure (n)> -19.59]
> > 31  (if n (gnc:double-to-gnc-numeric n GNC-DENOM-AUTO ...) ...)
> > 32  [gnc:double-to-gnc-numeric -19.59 0 ...]
> > /usr/gnucash/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-to-gnc.scm:362:24: In procedure 
>gnc:double-to-gnc-numeric in expression (gnc:double-to-gnc-numeric n GNC-DENOM-AUTO 
> > /usr/gnucash/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-to-gnc.scm:362:24: Wrong type 
>argument in position 2: 4294967295
> This makes no sense to me, and makes me think there's a garbage
> collection problem going on somewhere in there (the value it had
> problems with is defined to be 0 in gnc-numeric.scm).
> Let me poke around some more to make sure I'm not unprotecting
> something at an inopportune time.  I don't see the problem under
> guile1.4 at all, and it's generally pickier about this than 1.3.
> b.g.

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available

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