
 > I'd like to see 'invoice' added as a report type.  The way I envision
 > it, its almost identical to 'transaction report', except that the visual
 > layout resembles an invoice.   The adressee would either be typed in by
 > hand, or maybe pulled out of the account notes field.   I know that this
 > is very far from 'perfect', but it serves two purposes: 
 > 1) it whets the apetite and interest for more/better; and we need
 >    something that will stir the interest of the masses.
 > 2) its is usable for small jobs, e.g. a non-for-profit that
 >    prints one invoice a week. 

Hmm.  Let me think about that one.

 > ---------
 > what's the difference between 'register report' and 'transaction
 > report', and the 'accounts-payable' report?  These seem to be the same
 > thing to me ... ???
The concept behind a 'register report' is that you can click a button
on a register and a report containing those transactions will be
displayed.  It is closely related to the transaction report, but some
of the subtotalling/categorization that the transaction report can do
are not possible there.  

Accounts payable, I suppose, is a transaction report of a certain set
of liability trnasactions.

 > what's the difference between 'account summary', 'balance sheet',
 > 'net worth', and 'portfolio'?  These sound like they're all the same
 > report to me ...
"Account summary" is a list of the values in all accounts.  
As I understood things, "net worth" and "balance sheet" are different
names for the same thing.  Dave, if you could comment that would be
Portfolio is a list of your stocks, mutual funds, etc, but including
ROI calculations, I think.  

 > ---
 > instead of 'investment income', we should proabably do something 
 > that shows unrealized gains as well:  I want to see the changes in 
 > price of my stock, not just the total dividends paid out. (maybe that's
 > the 'portfolio' report?)

Robert Merkel                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<telsa> I left my client on #gtk+ overnight and there was nothing 
in scrollback at all except quit/rejoins.
<bighead> telsa: well its been that for, I think 3 days now 
(ever since started coming back on IRC)
<telsa> Clearly they are busy implementing telepathy, 
and dog-fooding it. :) 
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