Derek Atkins writes:
> Dave Peticolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I think what is happening is that the old book isn't being
> > destroyed. For flat-file backends, some of what should probably
> > be done in gnc_book calls is handled in src/FileDialog.c, due
> > to historical reasons. We plan on cleaning this up, but for
> > now you might try doing what gnc_book_destroy is doing during
> > the rpc server gnc_book_end call. I.e., make sure the book
> > contents (account group & pricedb) are being destroyed.
> I am calling gnc_book_destroy() (see below).  What else do I have to
> do?  I can't find anything special in src/FileDialog.c.

Ok, in that case I'm not really sure what is going wrong.
The xml error looks like some account is not really being
destroyed, but other than that it's hard to tell.

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