Kevin Finn wrote:

> Bill Gribble wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 09:02:28PM -0500, Kevin Finn wrote:
> > >      My problem is that the "welcome" report comes up every time GnuCash
> > > is launched, no matter whether I closed it before exiting the last time
> > > or not.
> >
> > Let me look into this.  I can see more-or-less what's going on from
> > the file snippet you posted, but there's no reason I can think of for
> > it to be happening :(
> >
> > The problem is that MDI is not correctly saving the window
> > configuration.  this either means that the save_state function is not
> > beingcalled -- what are you doing to exit Gnucash? -- or it's not
> > doing what it's supposed to do. Let me see if this is a known bug in
> > that version of the gnome libs.
> I know what it is - I normally shut down Gnucash via the window manager
> control, not by clicking the "Exit" button.  When I tried exiting via
> the "Exit" button it worked correctly and wrote a much more normal MDI
> Session.  On a restart the "welcome to 1.6" report is no longer there.
> I submitted a patch last week because I couldn't close the program at
> all via the WM control, and maybe that patch didn't do the right thing
> with MDI.  The change was to update gnc_main_window_destroy_cb to call
> gnc_shutdown(0), which was what gnc_main_window_file_shutdown_cb was
> already doing.
> Maybe you have some better ideas on how this should work?

Yes, I get similar results.

Exiting via the "Exit" button on the toolbar or the "File -> Exit" menu
correctly writes the startup file and restores the configuration.

Exiting via the window manager "X" button in the upper right of the window, or
the "Close" menu item on the Window control menu on the upper left corner of
the window, fails to save the configuration.


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