Hi everyone,

I recently got interested in the iternationalization (i18n) issues with 
gnucash. In particular, I'll join Jan-Uwe Fink in working on the german 
translation. Additionally, I'll share the useful information about 
(non-Germany-specific) i18n issues on this mailing list, so that other 
translators can use that as well.

There are some documents around that offer helpful information on how to 
do translation of this magnitude. GNOME and KDE both have translation 
teams (no, that's not trivial -- I only found out recently)
so if there's a homepage for your language team, you'll get more help 

In GNOME there's a whole package about i18n, and in particular they have 
collected some style guides which help significantly to develop a 
consistent translation style for the whole application.

Moreover, the style guides suggests to build a GLOSSARY of all important 
terms in the application. IMHO this is the *only* way to come to a 
consistent translation of one term (say, "equity") throughout the program! 
So I just started such a glossary for gnucash (attached). Every translator 
please feel free to use that as a help in your own translation process. Of 
course, I'm using that for the german translation, so for your language 
just delete the german columns and insert your own tongue.

There's some problem with the file format. It's kind of tricky to find a 
spreadsheet file format that's both compatible enough *and* powerful 
enough to build a table with all sorts of text in it. The Sun styleguide 
(in gnome-i18n) suggest using Excel 4.0 (.xl4), so I just follow them and 
provide a xl4 file. I also have attached an ascii grid with 
tab-delimiters, but please use that only if you can't get anything else 
working. Originally I wrote that stuff in Applixware, so I have attached 
the applix spreadsheet file as well.

I'll be happy to receive all kinds of feedback on this glossary. 
Especially the explanations need further work (I got tired soon:). So if 
you have any change or addition, drop me a line and I'll happily include 
that in the master glossary. We will probably add the glossaries to CVS 
pretty soon.

Christian Stimming
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)




Glossary of terms for Gnucash
Last edited: 2001-04-28 14:40-0700 by Christian Stimming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Term    Explanation     Translation (current)   My opinion
account -       Konto
account code    -       Kontonummer (intern)    ?
account name    -       Kontobezeichnung
account type: Asset     -       Anlagevermögen  Aktiva
account type: checking  -       Girokonto
account type: Equity    -       Eigenkapital
account type: Expense   -       Ausgabe ?
account type: Income    -       Einnahme        ?
account type: Liability -       Verbindlichkeiten       Passiva
account type: money-market      -       Geldmarktfonds
account type: Mutual fund       -       Investmentfonds
account type: saving    -       Sparkonto
account type: Stock     -       Depot   ?
account: parent account -       Hauptkonto      ?
account: subaccount     -       Unterkonto      ?
account: top level account      -       Top-Level-Konto ?
Action (register)       -       Aktion
action: ATM     automated teller machine        Geldautomat
action: buy     -       Kauf
action: deposit -       Gutschrift
action: direct debit    -       ?
action: dist    distribution    ?
action: fee     -       Gebühr
action: loan    -       Darlehen
action: payment -       Belastung       ?
action: POS     -       Karten-Terminal
action: rebate  -       Rabatt
action: sell    -       Verkauf
action: Teller  -       ?
action: wire    -       Telegrafische Zahlung
action: withdraw        -       Abhebung
amount  -       Betrag
average -       Durchschnitt/Durchschnittlich
Balance -       Saldo
balance sheet   report  Bilanz
balance, to (a transaction)     -       Ausgleichen     ?
bank    -       Bank
Business        -       Geschäftlich    Geschäft/Geschäftlich
capital gains   -       Kapitalertrag
case sensitive  as opposed to case insensitive  Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten
cash    -       Bargeld
check   the thing used in the US to pay everything. Not that common in other countries 
though :)        Scheck
close, to       close the current document      Schliessen
commodity       -       Währung/Aktie,Ware/Währung      Währung/Wertpapier
commodity field: fraction       the smallest amount of a commodity that's traded (e.g. 
1/100 for USD, 1 for most stocks)        Stückelung
commodity field: Symbol e.g. USD, DEM   Symbol
commodity listing       e.g. NASDAQ     Börsennotierung
Credit (column in register)             Haben   ?
Credit Card     -       Kreditkarte
currency        -       Währung
Custom  custom print format as opposed to a template choice.    ?       Eigene/Eigenes
database        -       Datei   ?
Date    -       Datum
date    each transaction happens on a date      Datum
date format     DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY or something else  Datumsformat
date range      for finding transaction in a date rate  Zeitraum
Debit (column in register)      -       Soll    ?
default of an option    Voreinstellung
depreciation    -       Abschreibung
Description (column in register)        -       Beschreibung
double entry    -       Doppelte Buchführung
exchange rate   -       Wechselkurs
field   in the account creation dialog  Feld
file    -       Datei
file type       -       Dateityp
financial calculator: interest rate     in the financial calculator     Zinsrate       
financial calculator: payments  -       Raten
imbalance       name of an automaticly created account to get imbalanced transactions 
back in balance   unausgeglichenes Saldo  ?
import  of a QIF file   Import  ?
interest        the cost of borrowing money, or the gain from lending money     Zinsen
invoice -       Rechnung
liabilities/equity      the heading for the "right side" of the balance sheet   Passiva
Lost Accounts   name of an automatically created account        Verlorene Konten       
Memo    part of a split Memo
national currency       e.g. USD, DEM, as opposed to stocks     Nationale Währung      
net assets      net total of all assets Gesamt Anlagevermögen
notes (register)        -       Notizen Bemerkung
Num (column in register)        -       Num     Nr
open, to (a file)       -       Öffnen
opening balance of an account   Eröffnungssaldo Anfangsbestand
options of a report, of an account view Berichtsoptionen        Optionen
orphan  a split whose account has been scrubbed Waisenkind      ?
Payables/Receivables    -       ?       Verbindlichkeiten/Forderungen (an Lieferungen 
und Leistungen)
payee   the guy who gets the money      Zahlungsempfänger
payer   the guy who pays the money      ?
portfolio       -       Portfolio
preferences     of Gnucash      Einstellungen
price (in a split)      -       Preis
price type: ask -       Briefkurs       ?
price type: bid -       Gebot   ?
price: quotes   online quotes; a snapshot of current prices
profit  -       Gewinn
Profit & Loss   report  Einnahmen-/Ausgabenrechnung
rebalance, to (a transaction)   -       neu kalkulieren         ?
reconcile, to   reconcile an account, a reconciled split        Ausgleichen Abstimmen  
record keeping  -       Buchführung
register        -       Register
register: auto-split ledger     -       ?
register: basic ledger  another form of register        Hauptbuch
register: general ledger        one form of register    Hauptbuch
register: transaction journal   -       Buchungsbericht
reload, to      reload the current document     Erneut laden
Retained Earnings       base name of an equity account (?); opposed to opening 
balance. Gewinnrücklagen
save, to (to a file)    -       speichern
scrub, to       to scrub an account     Ausbuchen
security        -       Wertpapier?     ?
Share Balance (register)        -       Aktiensaldo?    ?
shares  -       Anteile         ?
source  of a price      Quelle  ?
split   A transaction consists of several splits.       Split   ???
split transaction (in the register)     -       Split Buchung   ?
stock split (in the register)   -       Aktien Split    ?
style sheet     which sets the style for a report       Stil
subtotal        -       Zwischensumme
tax info        field of an account     Steuerrelevante Informationen   ?
template        if you create a new e.g. style sheet, you can start from a template    
Tot     as abbreviation for Total       Gesamt
total   of some balances, of any account's running balance etc. Gesamt  ?
transaction     -       Buchung
transaction cleared     state of a transaction  Abgestimmt      ?
transaction frozen      state of a transaction  Eingefroren     ?
transaction reconciled  state of a transaction  Ausgeglichen    ?
transfer, to (register toolbar) -       Buchen
type    of an account, of a commodity etc.      Art
units   for absolute positioning in the custom check format, e.g. cm, in        
Einheiten       Maßeinheiten
URL     -       URL
value (in a split)      -       Wert 

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