> > Looks like a bug in the stocks register, or did I just do something
> > Screenshot: http://rmm.wspse.de/gnu6million.gif
> In that screenshot, you have a total of around 4498 shares in the
> account, most of them coming from the transaction on 16.3.1999.
> Multiply that by the last price of about 1540 DEM/share, and you
> do indeed get about 7 million DEM.

I tracked back the problem: the transaction was entered in the bank account
only. In this case gnucash books 3000 pieces a 1 DEM instead of 3 pieces a
1000 DEM which would have been correct here. So this stays incorrect until I
correct it in the stocks register, but I can live with that, especially as
the problem cannot be overseen as always several million occur in that case.

Klaus Ridder

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