On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 03:37:08PM +1000, Robert Graham Merkel was heard to remark:
> Linas, 
>       I'm currently going through the user docs, and I notice
> that we don't have the postgres backend documented in the online
> help.  Is it OK to transplant your stuff from src/engine/sql/README
> into a help file?  Is that document currently up-to-date?


Note that single-user mode should be ready to move out of
beta if/when we add some small tweaks to the gui, e.g. to ask for
a postgrs login name and passwd, and when we get some more users
using it & telling us we're bug free ...

Note that the multi-user mode will be ready 'real soon now',
if I can squeeze in a few more days of coding and a bit of 
good luck.


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