On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:57:03 -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:

>> I've searched already a little bit in the source and found
>> gnc_split_register_get_desc_entry in
>> inledger-core/split-register-model.c. But I'm not sure whether this is
>> the correct function which is responsible for the description entries
>> of folded transactions ...

> As far as the description entry is concerned, currently there is no
> difference between a standard two-split transaction and a multi-split
> transaction.  This is one reason that nobody has implemented the changes
> required for bug #149241.

> Yes, you could change the get_desc_entry() function to figure out
> which split to obtain the split memo, but then you'd also have to
> handle what to do if the user changes that entry!

Yes, I understand the problem. I've already changed the
gnc_..._get_desc_entry and now it displays the memo in the way I
want. But I know that's not all.

> It's not a two-line change -- there's a bunch of logic changes that
> are required to get this functionality.

I've thought about the problem and I want present you a possible solution:

Assume a normal transaction - it can be a two-split or a multi-split
one. Each transaction has a memo for each split and a description.

Transaction folded:
The corresponding memo is displayed in the ledger if there is such an
entry - otherwise the description is displayed. If the user selects this
line then the column label changes to memo or description (depending on
what's displayed). If the user changes this entry, than the memo or the
description is saved.

Transaction unfolded:
In the unfolded case nothing changes to the current behaviour: The first
line shows the description and all splits show their memo.

Do you think this would be a reasonable behaviour?

If yes, I would like to try to implement this.

Best regards,
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