I've been lurking in this conversation as its very muchout of my world, though very interesting... my .02 below...

Dan Widyono wrote:
I  <<snip>>

This does not match what I hear from regular users (non-computer-savvy).
They follow whatever their distro vendor provides for the most part.  "The
distro doesn't have an accounting package?  Woops, I can't use Linux then.
Back to Windows."

I am a fairly computer savvy user in that I've coded in the past, have some understanding of how computers really work and use computers instead of being used by them. So. I stayed out of linux for at least 5 years because I hadn't run across gnucash or any other accounting package that was useable for my business. So yes, a lot of regular users need a package like this, they need it to work, and if its dropped from distros, they will stay away. IMHO.


Dan W.
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