On Monday 31 October 2005 8:00 pm, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Neil Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I still need to update configure.in to prompt for goffice if libgsf-1 >=
> > 1.12.2 but it's best to get the G2 branch merged into HEAD and the change
> > to SVN before I go tweaking configure.in again.
> I see no reason this needs to wait.  It's not a large change to configure.

No, but it is a change I am unfortunately unable to make in the time before G2 
gets locked. My available time for gnucash doesn't come in regular or 
predictable slots - I have to fit it around other things and the next 24hrs 
are not available. Sorry. 

If someone else wants to do it, that's fine by me. Otherwise, I'll work on it 
on Thursday and commit just as soon as I can.


Neil Williams

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