On Sun, 2006-01-22 at 12:32 +0300, Vitaly Lipatov wrote:
> Dear developers!
> Please do not use printf for output localized strings.
> Use g_print instead for correct recoding to 8-bit locales.

I see nothing about this in the documentation for the g_printf family of
functions.  The documentation refers to alternative output handlers, and
the sources refer to positional parameters.  Nowhere do I see a
reference to recoding for 8-bit locales.  If anything, that sounds like
a gtk-1 problem would be is resolved in gtk-2.  All of gtk-2 is designed
to operate in utf-8.

> P.S.
> The same problem (output UTFed strings in 8-bit locale) exists 
> with popt (when it prints --help message). Will we intend to 
> replace popt with some glib function for I will some workaround 
> for popt?

Is this an actual problem, or a perceived problem.  I.E. Are you
actually getting bad output, or are you worried that you may get bad
output because the code uses printf and not gprintf.


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