On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 07:02 -0700, Brian wrote:
> big_squirt gnucash-2.0.0 # sh -x ./utils/gnc-svnversion .
> sh: ./utils/gnc-svnversion: No such file or directory
> Unfortunately I know extremely little about shell programming :(

It's `sh -x ./util/gnc-svnversion .`. Not 'utils'.

> Since you are not a gentooer, here is a snipit of how it started before
> I killed it (before it got to where it hangs).  Everything I am checking
> is in the sandbox temp build area.

`ebuild /usr/portage/app-office/gnucash/gnucash-2.0.0.ebuild fetch
unpack` is a cleaner way to do this ... it'll then stop with the
(fetched and) unpacked sources in $WORKDIR, without your having to kill
it at an uncertain point.

http://asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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