On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 05:39:31PM -0400, Chris Shoemaker wrote:
> AFAIK, neither GnuCash documentation nor GnuCash developers
> have ever (publicly) claimed to be part of either Project, despite the
> fact that such relationships would seem natural to some.

Hmm. As the author of what I beleive is still a rather large chunk
of the GnuCash code, I'll say it now. I participated in the founding
of the Gnome Foundation, re-wrote and criticized several drafts of 
the charter.  Voted in the elections for years.  I never sought office 
in the Gnome Foundation, although I nominated Leslie, the PR person, 
to the board, a position which she got on the second try.

As to the FSF: I've worked the FSF booth at trade shows, I've presented
myself as an FSF representative in conversations with a company that
was thinking of opening up thier Visual Basic macros (woo hoo).  I've
shared beers with...  well, I'm not sure who, but they were FSF
leadership, and I know I had fun.  (Have they ever paid me money? No.
Not even a stinkin free t-shirt? No. I wish. Skinflints.)

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