"Daniel Espinosa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> 1) Accounts: parent is not null.  However, the top level accounts
>> (Assets, Liabilities, ...) don't have a parent.  In addition, the parent
>> should be a foreign key reference back to the Accounts table.
> parent could be set to NULL if the acount is a 'top level'.

Not in your design; you have it declared "NOT NULL".

>> 2) You have a Currencys (should be Currencies) table.  However, tables
>> which should have a foreign key reference to it just have type
>> "integer".
> Table is named 'currencies' now. The reference, if I understand you,
> is by the ID in the currencies table, and it is a integer.

References should be by GUID.

>>  In addition, this should probably be a Commodities table to
>> include stocks and mutual funds.
> I originaly included the StockTransactions, as a table derived from
> Transactions, now I renamed both to: 'commodities' (StockTransactions)
> and 'trasactions' (Transactions). Remember that in the 'commodities'
> table will have the same columns that 'transactions'.

You need three tables:


>> 3) An account can have a type which is a commodity (for stock or mutual
>> fund accounts).
> I have modified the types in the 'account_type' table, and now I have
> substituted the 'stock' and 'mutual found' types by 'commodity' type

You don't need this table, and indeed including it could cause
confusion.  This table is already defined in src/engine/Account.h,
making sure they keep in sync would be a major nightmare.

>> 4) You need to split Transactions in Transactions and Splits.  A
>> Transaction will include the date (currently, both entry date and
>> posting date (the one you see)), description, commodity (currency?).  A
> I have renamed the Transactions table to 'transactions' and added the
> columns you refer, and the 'reconsilation_date' and
> 'reconsilation_state'

No, you don't understand..  You really need two tables.  And the
reconciliation are on the Split, not the Tranasction.



       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available
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