On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 20:55 -0700, Dave Herman wrote:
> > Note that this issue (Bug#394420) was present before the sx-cleanup
> > branch, and not on the sx-cleanup branch.  I was hoping to look at it
> > today, but got distracted by Things and Stuff.  But it's right up there
> > on the short list for bugs.
> Was not nagging - just observing didn't go away.

It's all good, I just wanted to be clear (mostly for the mlist
archives).  :)

In any case, fixed in 15408.

> Duh - missed the similarity to account tree ...
> attaching a screenshot - note no buttons at bottom.

In the new "sx-list as plugin page" there is no need for controls at th
bottom.  The toolbar has the new/edit/delete operations, as well as
"(page) close".

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled;b=asynchronous.org;echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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