On 14 Feb 2007, at 11:37:47 PM, Nathan Buchanan wrote:

> Hi Paul!
> On 2/14/07, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for doing the up to date builds. Any chance you could  
>> include the
>> aqbanking stuff to allow your builds to do online banking? I recently
>> abandoned Quicken (they were trying to coerce me into buying a newer
>> version) for gnucash and the only thing that I can't do that I  
>> used to do
>> with Quicken was connect to online banking.
> I'm a bit new with building these, so I'd rather deffer to the real  
> experts.
> I believe Christian Stimming is creating the official windows  
> development
> builds.

The online banking is still getting ironed out. Several of the online  
functions work with the German hbci connections. I've been trying to  
get ofxdirectconnect to work. The setup wizard is almost there, but  
there are still a couple things that have really rough edges.

The latest version of install.sh in the packaging/win32 directory  
does install libofx, gwenhywfar, ktoblzcheck, and aqbanking. I  
haven't tried an old-style ofx import yet. Hmm. Maybe I should try  
that while a couple other things are pending... At the moment, I'm  
using svn versions of gwen and aqbanking, and I've lost track of  
exactly what effect the svn changes correct since the last tarballs  
were released a few days ago.

Christian really knows aqbanking well, but he is about to get really  
busy on other things for a bit. We might get lucky and get the  
majority of online banking up soon on windows.

> I'm basically pulling the sources from the repository and building it
> without changes...I'd have to become more confident with the code  
> base to
> change stuff.
> I'm posting this to the gnucash-devel list so that others can pipe in.
> Nathan
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