On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 15:14 +0200, Sebastian Menge wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 10.04.2007, 08:59 -0400 schrieb Derek Atkins:
> > Oh, it's probably a UTF vs. ISO issue.
> > Which URL are you reaching?
> http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/de_DE/gnucash-help/help.html
> http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-help/help.html
> Even in the english version there are artefacts in the navigation parts.

The content is UTF-8.  There is a <meta> in the HTML saying as such.  I
can't seem to get apache on www.gnucash.org to serve the content as
UTF-8, however.

> >From my experience the cause is often mixing iso and utf in one file.
> e.g. template=iso and content=utf, or script=iso, content=utf.
> vim is nice to switch encodings (:set fileencoding and :help encodings).

If you're suggesting that we open each file in `vim` and re-write its
encoding, I'd suggest that `iconv` is scriptably easier, and we could
just re-generate the content with a non-conflicting encoding.  I'd
rather we just served UTF-8 properly.

Firefox also has a "Character Encoding" option, here in the View menu.

This problem's has been happening for a while, but in part because
making changes to www.gnucash.org is painful, it's gone unresolved.

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled;b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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