On Sun, 2007-06-17 at 15:44 +0200, Christian Stimming wrote:
> Do you have any suggestions to improve the wording in our announcements in 
> order to avoid further problems with ambiguous message? That would be very 
> helpful.

Spell out in excruciating detail the different circumstances and exactly
what a user can expect to happen, and don't use words like "backward
compatible" that admit of too many different meanings.

So I think in this case, something like:

"In version XXX the format for YYY in data files was changed. Files
using the old format will be read without problems by new versions, but
the new version of gnucash only writes the new format.  The new format
cannot be properly loaded by older versions of Gnucash.  (If you try,
the file will fail to be loaded with an error message.)  As a result, if
you begin using the new Gnucash, and you have data files using feature
YYY, then the files you save will not be readible by older versions. 
..." (more must be said, this is just the beginning!)


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