Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, Jul 15, 2007 at 02:37:17PM -0600, Chris Lyttle wrote:
>> Hi all,
> [... snip resignation ...]
>> This email is simultaneously a call to anyone who feels they can make 
>> the commitment to GnuCash to become involved in the development by 
>> becoming the Release Manager. I wish you well and will be available to 
>> answer any questions you have.
> what, praytell, does the release manager do? 

I see the responsibilities of a release manager as some subset of the

- package the release for distribution

  - ultimately, run `make dist`

  - report and resolve problems in `make check`.

  - ideally, have a bevy of hardware/distributions/platforms on which to
    verify the build.

  - upload the build to the release locations

- work with the developers on the release schedule

- track bug activity to have a qualified opinion about the reality of doing a

  - be the one person who says "no, we need to slip this", if necessary.

  - be able to triage and suggest bug targeting, especially near the release

- digest the commit messages/changelog into useful NEWS, Release Notes and
  Announcements content.
  - this might be helped by actively tracking mailing-list / commit message
    content in the interval.

At the core, one could just run `make dist` and shove it up to the servers
more or less on the schedule that we all agree to.  The rest is just icing.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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