Another option is to change your $PATH to put the cygwin unzip
before the msys unzip.  Or maybe just copy the cygwin unzip
into your msys environment?


"Stephen Grant brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Dear Sirs/Madams
> I am getting very frustrated, but not with you guys.
> My latest drama is that the unzip program installed by Packaging/ 
> does not work.
> For example the command
> unzip -q -o /c/Users/Public/GNUCash_Downloads/ -d 
> /c/soft/readline
>>From the msys command line fails.
> The command
> unzip -q -o /cygdrive/c/Users/Public/GNUCash_Downloads/ 
> -d /cygdrive//c/soft/readline
>>From the cygwin command line works.
> I then went back into msys and rerun and it went on to the next 
> download, unzip where it failed again.
> One option is to remove cygwin but I do nott wish to do this at this point in 
> time.
> Another option is to butcher Packagin/* to use the cygwin unzip but I do not 
> know where to start, or am not prepared to put the time in to do this.
> Another option is to download the source for unzip, configure/make/install 
> and use that unzip.
> A third option is to find out why unzip is not working in msys.
> I have 
> cd  /c/Users/Public/GNUCash_Downloads
> unzip -t /c/Users/Public/GNUCash_Downloads/
>>From the msys command prompt and it fails (like all the rest) by bringing up 
>>the help instructions.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Yours Sincerely Stephen Grant Brown
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