
I finally resolved my problem... took a little head scratching.

I forgot I modified my hosts file as specified by:

ad blocker <>

this modifies the hosts file so that all known advertising sources are
aliased to

I was trying to pinpoint exactly which advertising source
Finance::Quotes modules requires to get the stock quotes, but it seems
like it changes...  seems like the authors of Finance::Quotes are
involved in some advertising scheme...

hope they are not sending other info, in particular, my financial
information to these advertisers.

You're a security guy... what do you make of this?


Derek Atkins wrote:
> What happens when you try gnc-fq-dump ?
> Maybe your quote source changed their website?
> -derek
> Richard Geddes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I was using GNUCash 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 7.04 for the last several months.  Set 
>> up some stock investments and downloaded stock prices with Tools -> Price 
>> Editor -> Get Quotes.  This worked ok until about 3 weeks ago.  Now I get a 
>> message "There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes." 
>> I did install a firewall management program called "Firestarter" between the 
>> time gnucash was working and when it stopped working... I've since  
>> uninstalled Firestarter.  I tried getting stock quotes after stopping my 
>> firewall using "/etc/init.d/iptables stop".  No difference.
>> I also upgraded to gnucash 2.2.1.  No dice.
>> I uninstalled gnucash altogether and reinstalled it, but still getting the 
>> same message.
>> I even thought of uninstalling perl as the module gnucash uses to get the 
>> quotes is in perl... but, it seems that many apps on my system depend on 
>> perl... on my ubuntu system, if I try to uninstall perl, it also includes 
>> (to uninstall) pretty much all the apps I've installed.. does that sound 
>> correct...?  
>> Anyway, my beef isn't really with perl, although it seems that if there was 
>> something goes wrong with perl, alot of things depending on it would also go 
>> down.... I just want to get my stock quotes so I can see my current asset 
>> values to make decisions without pulling out the calculator.
>> Can someone help me troubleshoot this problem?  Thanks.
>> Richard
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