On Wednesday 26 December 2007 05:21:06 pm Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Over this weekend I implemented a simple book closing feature
> that lets you zeroize the Income and Expense accounts into
> Equity.  It's comprised of changesets r16713, 16714, and 16715.
> It's only impemented in the trunk branch at the moment.
> Please test and comment and let me know if you find any problems with
> it.  If it works well and doesn't have many issues maybe we can get it
> into 2.2.3 or 2.2.4.
> Thanks,
> -derek

Couple things:
* it'd be nice to have some sort of feedback to the user that something is 
happening. How hard would it be to add a progress bar or something?
* I noticed that one of my expense accounts was not configured as an expense 
account, so it was skipped. I then re-ran the book close program only to find 
out that not only did the revised account get closed out, a second closing 
transaction was added to the other accounts. This is probably because I chose 
a future date (12/31/07) for the close out. When I re-ran the close using 
that future date, gnc didn't see the pre-existing zeroing out transaction on 
* It'd be nice if the dialog would remember the previous entires for the date, 
income and expense accounts. 
* It might also be a good idea for the user to be presented with a review 
dialog with suitable warning about book closing. Something like "This will 
create a zeroing transaction for all your income and expense accounts as of 
$DATE_SELECTED" with the obligatory OK/CANCEL buttons.
*If gnucash can remember the last book close date, a warning could be 
displayed if the book close is within say 30 days of the last close, telling 
the user something like "You just closed the books on $LAST_CLOSE_DATE, 
num_days ago. Are you sure you want to close the books again?"

But it looks like a great start to a useful feechur. Thanks, Derek!

Fedora Core release 6 (Zod), Linux
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"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts" John Wooden

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