The xml file backend has 2 functions to handle a commodity reference.  The 
first, dom_tree_to_commodity_ref_no_engine(), gets the two pieces of the 
reference (space and id) and creates a new gnc_commodity from them.  The 
second, dom_tree_to_commodity_ref(), calls 
dom_tree_to_commodity_ref_no_engine() and then looks up the commodity in the 
engine.  This has the result of only leaving 1 gnc_commodity per commodity.

In the places where commodity refs are used, dom parsers for prices and 
transactions call dom_tree_to_commodity_ref() but the parser for accounts calls 
dom_tree_to_commodity_ref_no_engine().  Can anyone explain why?

In the sql backend, this is causing problems for scheduled transactions and 
template accounts/commodities.  The xml file has template commodities with 
space/id = template/template.  When the xml file is loaded, 
dom_tree_to_commodity_ref_no_engine() creates 1 template commodity per template 
account, each with its own guid.  When saved to an sqlite file, there is still 
1 template commodity per template account.  However, when I load the 
commodities from an sqlite file, I need to force the guids (for currencies for 
example) to be what the sqlite file expects to them to be.  I do this by 
calling gnc_commodity_lookup() and then changing the commodity guid.  This is 
fine for currencies, but for template commodities, I end up with 1 template 
commodity with the last guid in the file and all of the other template 
commodities are thrown away and the references in the template accounts are 

Josh, does the sx code need a separate template commodity per account?  Should 
the account xml parser use dom_tree_to_commodity_ref() to merge these?  Should 
the sql backends only merge currencies, not any other commodities?

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