
Rolf Leggewie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Micha Lenk wrote:
> > Usually Ubuntu syncs automatically from Debian unstable. Unfortunately
> > the Debian Maintainer for Gnucash (Thomas Bushnell) has been a little
> > bit busy the last weeks. Hence he didn't update the package in Debian
> > yet (http://bugs.debian.org/481290).
> There is also some work being done in
> https://launchpad.net/~gnucash/+archive
> While there is no 2.2.5 version in the archive yet, we are working on
> providing a package from trunk.

I am not sure who you are talking about.  I just want to make sure that
everyone knows that trunk is the *unstable* branch and is not recommended
for inclusion in distributions.

Of course, you are free to build whatever you like :-)

-- andi5

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