Martin Preuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> On Dienstag, 23. September 2008, Derek Atkins wrote:
> [...]
>> We did the GSoC in 2007.  We got 4 students, and only two of them
>> actually did anything.  The CSV importer is actually in trunk, but
>> it has lots of problems.
> [...]
> Hmm, just a thought: GnuCash already uses the import framework of AqBanking 
> (in addition to GnuCash's own importers), maybe the CSV importer of AqBanking 
> could be usefull to you as well?

It could be.  Does AqB support investment accounts, yet?

> The AqBanking CSV importer has a growing number of predefined profiles for 
> different known sources. It can also skip a fixed number of lines at the 
> beginning etc. Maybe that could be usefull for GnuCash as well?

Maybe.  One of the cool things about the raw CSV importer is that
you can create a profile in real-time.  It will show you the raw
text of the columns as it imports them and then you can choose
(in real time) how to interpret the columns.

In the AqB system do you need to know the profile ahead of time?
Or can you choose the profile visually and inspect the results
(and change it if the results are wrong?)

> What I would suggest however is that the Gnucash code presents the user a 
> list 
> of the known profiles for the selected importer (currently used by GnuCash: 
> SWIFT, DTAUS). Gnucash already reads the list of known profiles via a 
> function of AqBanking but it doesn't allow for the user to choose a profile.


> That would also help users who currently can't import SWIFT MT940 documents 
> in 
> the flavour used by AMRO bank: There already is a working profile for this 
> specific format but GnuCash has the profile "SWIFT-MT940" hardwired 
> internally...

Any chance you could file this in bugzilla so we don't forget, please?

> Regards
> Martin


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available
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