
Quoting Havard Rast Blok <n...@hblok.net>:

This sounds like a useful improvement.

I have a minor comment, which might be a tangent: When using the ~/.gnucash/config.user to specify "load-from-path" reports, it will not work unless the absolute path is specified; e.g. "/home/user/.gnucash/reports/myreport.scm". If I use "~/.gnucash/..." the report will not load.

This is correct..  That's because load-file-path requires a full path.
It doesn't perform any variable expansion, and '~' is shell syntax.
So this isn't at all surprising.

There may be a guile function to expand the path but I don't know what
it may be offhand.

Regardless, this is completely unrelated to Phil's sugggestion and
should not have been a reply to his message.




Phil Longstaff wrote:
I played around last night with how reports are loaded in the system. I basically replaced:

(use-module (gnucash report report-A))
(use-module (gnucash report report-B))

which appears in standard-reports.scm, with

(define (get-report-list) (list
(for-each (lambda (x) (resolve-module (append '(gnucash report) x))) (get-report-list))

which does nothing new, but does allow me to replace (get-report-list) with a function which returns the names of all .scm files. This will then allow a user/developer to just drop a new report file into the reports directory, restart gnucash, and it will be picked up. Or, (get-report-list) could read the list of report file names from a standard-report-names.txt file, which would allow the user/developer to drop a report file into the reports directory, add the file name to the standard-report-names.txt, then restart. My preference is for the former (fewer steps), but a little more difficult.

The reports directory currently holds all of the report files (both standard and business) as well as some support files. I think what I will do is create a 'standard-reports' subdirectory to the reports directory, and put the standard reports (or symlinks) there. get-report-list will then have a single directory from which to get all of the file names.


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