Ideally, of course, every change will be described in the Changelog, and 
significant changes will be described in NEWS (significant meaning 
rewrites/additions to reflect changes in the program's operation.) The reality, 
unfortunately, is that the only reliable documentation is the SVN log. This is 
equally true on the code side.
(In that ideal world, developers would at least add comments in the appropriate 
places in the documentation files describing changes to the code that require 
changes to the documentation. That world doesn't exist.)

If you want to be rigorous, you'll have to go through the SVN log for gnucash 
trunk and try to figure out which changes alter the interface or behavior in a 
way than affects the documentation and make a checklist. That's probably much 
more easily said than done, because most of the checkin messages are brief and 
a bit cryptic.

The other approach is to try out everything that is documented and make sure 
that it still works the way the docs say. You may notice menus or buttons that 
aren't documented already; you can write about the ones that you can figure out 
and ask about the others.

Whichever you choose (perhaps a combination), perhaps you could start a wiki 
page showing what you find. Once it's up, perhaps the devs who've added things 
in the last couple of years can mention their work there to help you find the 
undocumented bits.

In fact, it would be worthwhile for all of the devs and the experienced users 
on the user list to actually read the docs (I for one haven't looked at them 
since 1.8 or so, and the program has changed a lot since then) and contribute 
to that wiki page things that they know should be added.

The rest of the wiki is of course another good source of tips, tricks, and 
workarounds that could be added or used to clarify the docs. There's probably a 
bunch of obsolete stuff there that could be pruned, too, but that's a separate 
issue except to note that everything needs to be tested out before it gets 
added to the docs.

John Ralls

[<<Tom>>: ] Thanks John, for your clear and relevant comments and instructions. 
 Also, daunting, I must say!!

First, how do I access the SVN log?  Is that a separate file or part of the 
download process when I use the SVN CHECKOUT process?  Whether it will be 
helpful or not won't be known until I read it.  For practical purposes I need 
to examine the range of changes from 2.0.0 to present.  Since documentation has 
not been kept up, I assume that I would have to look at the Code log as well as 
the documentation log.  So I guess that means 2 SVN logs.

Second, however I get the information, I think the most urgent need is to 
document installed working features that have not yet been disclosed [meaning 
in the documentation, even though such features could have been issues of 
discussion in the user and developers lists] describing first their purpose 
then how to use them.  That could be a list in itself, only to be brought into 
focus by research and the contributions of system users and developers.  Later 
on, once this is caught up, it makes sense to me to systematically test every 
bell and whistle to find out whether documented and, if so, does it work as 

Third, the idea of a wiki page is good.  The present limitation is that I need 
to learn how to create and use such a tool.  The wiki allows flexibility for 
many people to add ideas as the ideas appear to them.

Fourth, my thought is to stay focused on the Guide.  Once it is better, then 
focus could shift to Help.  Is that reasonable?

Fifth, there is a dimension to the documentation process that is time 
consuming.  I am toying with the idea that some kind of documentation is better 
than none.  Using a wiki as an INTERIM step to getting missing documentation 
available quickly may permit covering more ground sooner than going the extra 
mile to integrate everything into the Guide and Help manuals right at the 
beginning.  Do you think that idea would be accepted even though not the 
preferred and final solution?


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