
Thanks for the thoro reply re my 2 questions and the link to pipes and 
redirection.  That definitely helps.  

I will be implementing your commands to get the results we both expect.  Thanks 
for detailing the part of the process that I had not yet seen on the way to the 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yawar Amin [mailto:yawar.a...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 9:36 PM
> To: Thomas Bullock
> Cc: gnucash-devel (gnucash-devel@gnucash.org)
> Subject: Re: Unexpected results in attempting a patch
> Hi Tom,
> On 2010-09-20, at 20:20, Tom Bullock wrote:
> >> [...]
> >
> > Yawar,
> >
> > I got the "<xref linkend" tag to work! Proof was that there were no
> errors when I ran the xmllint command.
> Good stuff. You're almost there.
> > Question 1:
> >
> > When I wanted to view the files in my Firefox browser I got this for
> the chapter named ch_accts.xml:
> >
> > XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
> > Location: file:///home/tbullock/gc-docs-090510/guide/C/ch_accts.xml
> > Line Number 20, Column 19:
> >
> > accounts. Since &app; does not impose any specific account tree
> > layout, ------------------^
> >
> > Why does it view the symbolic parameter as an entity? How have you
> made the browser resolve the parameter making symbolic substitution? Do
> you have a script that does that prior to browser display?
> You're right that there is actually a program that transforms our
> source XML files into browser-friendly HTML. I don't have a script per
> se, I just run the command directly (the following assumes you're in
> the guide/whatever-locale/ directory, e.g. guide/C/):
> xsltproc -o output_html/ ../../xsl/general-customization.xsl gnucash-
> guide.xml
> A little explanation: output_html is a directory that will
> automatically be created and filled with the output HTML. You can
> specify any name that makes sense. ../../xsl/general-customization.xsl
> is a relative path to the XSL stylesheet we are using to turn the raw
> input XML into the HTML we want, and it has to be that exact name.
> At this point, the generated HTML guide will be in the output_html
> directory, and you can open any of the files in there with your
> browser. But the problem is you won't be able to see any images-
> screenshots, icons, etc. If that's OK, you can ignore the next bit. If
> not, a quick fix is to run:
> cd output_html
> ln -s ../figures
> ln -s ../../../stylesheet
> Now if you reload any page where you didn't see any image before, it
> will appear now.
> Note that when you're ready to prepare your patch, you don't want the
> output_html directory to be mentioned anywhere in it, so delete it
> before doing the patch:
> rm -rf output_html
> > Question 2:
> >
> > I ran "svn diff" in a terminal and the result showed what I was
> expecting.  I then wanted to capture the output into a file to attach
> to a bugzilla bug report.  I used this command:
> > "svn diff | patch1" thinking I was going to pipe the output into the
> file called patch1.  Instead I got this response:
> >
> > No command 'patch1' found, did you mean Command 'patch' from package
> > 'patch' (main)
> >
> > obviously, I am misleading ubuntu 10.4 and don't know how to pipe
> output into a new file. What should I be doing?
> As David Jensen said, it's the difference between Unix piping and
> redirection. A bunch of sites explain pipes et al., but a quick Google
> search turns up: http://polishlinux.org/console/unix-pipes-streams-and-
> redirections-explained/ Piping/redirecting is one of those things that
> can be very useful in Windows too from time to time.
> HTH,
> Yawar

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