Am Tuesday 21 September 2010 schrieb Derek Atkins:
> FYI, I noticed this morning that the build didn't complete.  It was
> (again) a failure in xsltproc.  Amusingly there were two builds, and
> both failed in the same place in the same way, so perhaps there is a bug
> in our documentation that is tickling a bug in xsltproc on Windows?

FTR: This wasn't any error in our source code or documentation text. Instead, 
it was the classical win32 DLL hell: The xsltproc.exe we were using had a 
dependency on iconv.dll and zlib.dll. By chance before the version upgrade 
those DLLs were provided in the gnome packages in the more-or-less correct 
version. *After* the gnome version upgrade those DLLs as provided by gnome 
were newer versions than what xsltproc.exe wanted to have, so it crashed upon 
start-up. This could be found out by running depends.exe on xsltproc.exe and 
observing the errors at those DLLs. The error was resolved by installing the 
suitable iconv.dll and zlib.dll solely for xsltproc.exe in the directory of 
that binary, so that the exe picks up those DLLs first. Error resolved.

There is now a new win32 build avaiable.


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