On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:14 AM, Christoph Holtermann
<c.holterm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 19.01.2011 05:16, schrieb Brian St. Pierre:
>> I'm trying to use the python bindings to fetch entry (line-item) data
>> from an invoice.
>> Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong?
> You just encountered an open end in the python-bindings. It's a problem of the
> SWIG-headers. It is often encountered in uncharted territory ;-) As far as i 
> know
> the only way to get around that is to change the SWIG-headers. That has to
> be done by someone wiser than me. There is no way to force python to accept
> other types, is there ? (I have been looking for that for quite a while).

Thanks. I was wondering if it was a SWIG problem. I will take a stab
at fixing the headers.

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