Cristian Marchi <> writes:

> Ok! I dont' get automatically an empty accounts tab but an empty
> gnucash window without the possibility to select operation->new
> account. Further testing showed me that with View->New accounts page I
> get what i want if I cancel the assistant. I think to remember that in
> 2.2 series you got an empty accounts tab if you canceled the druid;
> maybe I'm wrong...

I would consider that a bug.  IMHO GnuCash should have an account page
open, even on an empty CoA, after File -> New File, even if they cancel
the hierarchy.

> By the way thanks  Derek

You're welcome.

> Cristian


> Il 17/03/2011 16:09, Derek Atkins ha scritto:
>> Hi,
>> Cristian Marchi<>  writes:
>>> I was browsing through the tutorials and concepts guide and I've found
>>> out that chapter 3.3.2 [1] says to not select any account group from
>>> the new hierarchy account assistant. I noticed that if I don't select
>>> any of the available predefined structures, the forward button is
>>> greyed out. So I can't see no way to get an empty "accounts" tab
>>> unless I select at least one of the predefined accounts groups and I
>>> then delete each top level account from the "accounts" tab. Is this
>>> behavior intended? Is it right that a user need to start at least with
>>> a predefined account structure instead of being able to create one
>>> completely from scratch? Would it be a good idea to add an entry in
>>> the predefined accounts groups saying "empty structure", "blank page"
>>> or something like that? Just some thought.
>>> Thanks
>>> Cristian
>>> [1]
>> If they cancel out of the druid they should get an empty account tree.
>> -derek

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH                        PGP key available
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