Am Freitag, 8. April 2011 schrieb Marcin Copik:
> Many thanks!
> I'm going to update my application, but only one question to Mr
> Stimming(review was very helpful): "it is not obvious why this particular
> feature is wanted by this student." - it means, that I should add more
> informations why I have chosen exactly that idea or expand description of
> benefits for Cutecash?

The application deadline is now over. This particular remark by myself won't 
be relevant for your acceptence (or non-acceptence), so I'll just add the 
explanation for the record: What I meant was that you didn't explain a 
strikingly good reason why you have chosen this particular idea ("tags&filters 
in cutecash"), especially because the proposal does two new things in one: 
tags&filters are not yet existing in gnucash (at least not the way you 
described them), and cutecash also is only in experimental stage. I pointed 
out that you didn't explain why the implementation of those two new parts is a 
personal need (or otherwise important thing) for you. A short user story that 
explains why you want "tags&filters" would have helped here.

But in any case, be assured this point isn't the relevant criterion. The 
Gnucash project has received more than eight very good proposals (and a whole 
bunch of additional bad ones), but we can mentor only four students, so even 
though the proposal is very good, some of the proposals won't be chosen 
because others happened to be just a little bit better. Sorry for that.

Best Regards,

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