On Nov 11, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:

> Ted,
> Ted Creedon <tcree...@easystreet.net> writes:
>> Brand new clean system "Lizzy" - first build did a git pull and ran the
>> perl script
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> #-;-perl-;-
>> use strict;
>> use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} ||
>> "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl"));
>> use Git;
>> Git::command_noisy("pull", ("--rebase", "origin", @ARGV));
>> my @branches = Git::command("branch", "-r");
>> map s/[*\s]//g, @branches;
>> @branches = map { /^origin\/([^\s>]+)$/ ? $1 : () } @branches;
>> map { Git::command("update-ref", ("refs/remotes/$_",
>> "refs/remotes/origin/$_")); } @branches;
> This script means absolutely nothing to me, and you didn't answer my
> question:
> Are you sure you're using the most recent trunk (of GnuCash)?

The script just gets the latest from git (one hopes that that's 
git://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash.git) and renames the branch pointers -- 
basically a no-op.

What he's not telling us is what branch he has checked out to do his build.

John Ralls

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