On vrijdag 2 december 2011, John Ralls wrote:
> On Dec 2, 2011, at 8:08 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > Geert Janssens <janssens-ge...@telenet.be> writes:
> >> For some reason the tests consider this a duplicate symbol definition,
> >> but the reports require the export statements or will fail to
> >> work. That's as far as I got. I don't know why this is though, because
> >> at first sight, the sw_engine module is loaded by default when
> >> gncmod_engine is loaded (see gncmod- engine.c). And yet the tests
> >> complain about duplicate symbols, while the main program doesn't.
> > 
> > It might be order-of-include..  Or export v. re-export.
> engine.scm imports sw_engine, and the warnings come from loading the
> module, so that should be the same regardless of whether the module is
> loaded under test or for the application, right? I suspect that it's a
> logging issue rather than the warnings aren't actually being issued:
> gnc-scm-log-foo wraps g_log directly with its own logdomain (gnc.scm), so
> it might not be configured by the --logging commandline option. (I haven't
> looked, I will later.)
> Meanwhile, changing export to re-export in engine.scm eliminates the
> warnings, but I don't know yet if it causes the report errors that Geert
> saw after removing the export statements altogether.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

I reapplied my patch and this is the error I get when opening for example the 
e-guile based balance sheet report:

In /kobaltnet/janssege/Development/Installs/gnucash-f15-
 653: 17* [balsheet-renderer #]
In unknown file:
   ?: 18  (letrec ((get-option (lambda # #))) (gnc:report-starting reportname) 
In /kobaltnet/janssege/Development/Installs/gnucash-f15-
 379: 19  (let* (# # # # ...) (define # #) (define # #) ...)
 432: 20* [gnc:case-exchange-fn average-cost # #]
In /kobaltnet/janssege/Development/Installs/gnucash-f15-
 931: 21  (case source-option ((average-cost) (gnc:make-exchange-function #)) 
 932: 22  [gnc:make-exchange-function ...
 933: 23*  [gnc:make-exchange-cost-alist # #]
 726: 24   [map #<procedure #f (e)> ...
 734: 25*   [gnc:get-exchange-cost-totals # #]
 625: 26    (let ((curr-accounts #) (sumlist #)) (if (not #) (for-each # #)) 
 644: 27*   (if (not #) (for-each # #))
 647: 28    [for-each #<procedure #f (a)> (# # # # ...)]
In unknown file:
   ?: 29*   [#<procedure #f (a)> #<swig-pointer Split * a147c80>]
In /kobaltnet/janssege/Development/Installs/gnucash-f15-
 649: 30*   (let* (# # # # ...) (if # # #))
 661: 31    (if (not comm-list) (let (#) (# # value-amount) ...) ...)
 672: 32    (let* ((foreignlist #) (pair #)) (if (not pair) (begin # # ...)) 
 699: 33*   [#<procedure #f #> add #]
In /kobaltnet/janssege/Development/Installs/gnucash-f15-
 276: 34    (case action ((add) (if # # #)) ((total) value) ...)
 278: 35    (set! value (gnc-numeric-add amount value GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-
 278: 36*   [gnc-numeric-add # # #<primitive-procedure GNC-DENOM-AUTO> ...]
trunk/share/gnucash/scm/report-utilities.scm:278:32: In procedure gnc-numeric-
add in expression (gnc-numeric-add amount value ...):                           
trunk/share/gnucash/scm/report-utilities.scm:278:32: Wrong type (expecting 
exact integer): #<primitive-procedure GNC-DENOM-AUTO>

I also tried changing to re-export instead of removing the entries, but the 
above error remains.

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