On 2/26/2012 12:40 PM, Yawar Amin wrote:
> Hi David,
> On 2012-02-26, at 12:38, David Carlson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using a windows 7 computer and have yet to set up an equivalent to
>> xmllint.
>> This time I will attach my edited xml file and ask for someone to
>> validate my changes.  There are only a few minor edits and I really
>> expect the file to 'pass'.
> The changes all pass the automated check, and the output HTML files come out 
> successfully. However, I made a couple of tweaks to your changes:
> * Formatted all the lines to 75-character width to keep things readable in 
> most text editors
> * Highlighted the menu commands and keyboard shortcuts using the standard 
> DocBook XML tags
> * Changed the description of regexes slightly to a very short definition and 
> a link to Wikipedia
> You can see the changes below. I do have one question: the last line you 
> added says ‘See separate note defining status values’. Which note does this 
> refer to? We can actually put in a link at this point so the reader can jump 
> directly to the note.
> Regards,
> Yawar

Hi Yawar

Thank you for your help.

Regarding the separate note:  I wanted to add a table as noted below but
I have not tried that type of edit yet.  I am not sure where the table
should be located, but I am suggesting a possible location.  I would
appreciate your input in this matter.

Add the following table to the Tutorial and Concepts guide section
Transactions:The Account Register:Features of the Account Register  and
reference it in the list of tables

 <table frame="topbot" id="reconcile status">
          <title>Reconcile Status definitions.</title>
    <tgroup cols="3">






Default status when a transaction is created</para></entry>



                <entry><para>Status may be assigned either manually or
by an import process.</para></entry>



                <entry><para>Status assigned solely by the
reconciliation process.  Places limits requiring confirmation on editing
fields in that line of a transaction.</para></entry>



                <entry><para>Not implemented at this time.</para></entry>



                <entry><para>Status is assigned or released manually
through the transaction menu to a transaction and applies to every line
in the transaction.  It hides most of the transaction details but does
not delete them. When a transaction is voided a reason entry is required
that appears to the right of the description.


Section includes the menu items Void and Unvoid.

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