As of r22655 the development branch of gnucash can be built and run
with guile 2. It still spews warnings and the environment variable
GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE should be set to 0, so this is still a work in progress.

It is important to realize though that this is only possible is swig is
properly patched as well. I have submitted a patch here for swig:

So build instructions in short:
- download the swig patch from the above link (against swig 2.0.8) and build a
patched swig
- install guile 2
- checkout gnucash' trunk branch as of r22655
- you may need to update to have it prefer guile 2 if both guile
1.8 and guile 2 are installed on the system
- build gnucash as usual
- run gnucash as
GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 /path/to/gnucash

It goes without saying that gnucash continues to work with guile 1.8.

Feedback is welcome.

For those interested, below are the warnings I still get:
WARNING: (gnucash import-export qif-import): `gnc-build-dotgnucash-path' 
imported from both (sw_engine) and (gnucash core-utils)
WARNING: (gnucash report report-system): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report report-system): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report report-system): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report stylesheet-plain): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report stylesheet-fancy): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report stylesheet-footer): imported module (gnucash 
app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report stylesheet-easy): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports budget): imported module (gnucash 
app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports average-balance): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports budget-balance-sheet): imported 
module (gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports category-barchart): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports general-journal): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports net-barchart): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports net-linechart): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports cash-flow): imported module (gnucash 
app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports register): imported module (gnucash 
app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports budget-barchart): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports daily-reports): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports price-scatter): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports trial-balance): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports budget-flow): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports account-summary): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports balance-sheet): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports general-ledger): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports advanced-portfolio): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports income-statement): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports budget-income-statement): imported 
module (gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports account-piecharts): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports portfolio): imported module (gnucash 
app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports sx-summary): imported module (gnucash 
app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports equity-statement): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report standard-reports transaction): imported module 
(gnucash app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report hello-world): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report view-column): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report welcome-to-gnucash): imported module (gnucash 
app-utils) overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report taxtxf): imported module (gnucash app-utils) overrides 
core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report report-gnome): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report business-reports): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report fancy-invoice): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report invoice): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report easy-invoice): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report eguile-utilities): `gnc-build-dotgnucash-path' 
imported from both (gnucash core-utils) and (sw_engine)
WARNING: (gnucash report taxinvoice): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report owner-report): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report job-report): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report aging): imported module (gnucash app-utils) overrides 
core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report payables): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report receivables): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report customer-summary): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash report balsheet-eg): imported module (gnucash app-utils) 
overrides core binding `N_'
WARNING: (gnucash price-quotes): imported module (gnucash main) overrides core 
binding `string-join'


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