Let me bring guile 2 up again. The current status is this:
- gnucash is ready for guile2, but depends on a very recent version of swig to 
generate guile 2 
compatible wrapper code
- in fact *very* recent: swig 2.0.10 has been release today and is the first 
version of swig 
capable of generating guile 2 compatible wrapper code

Does that mean we *require* swig 2.0.10 ? No. GnuCash 2.5.x works perfectly 
fine with guile 
1.8 and older versions of swig generate code that works fine with guile 1.8.

So if you start from our svn/git repository, it's just a matter of personal 
choice: do I want guile 
2 ? Ok, I'll have to make sure I get swig 2.0.10. If that's not an option yet, 
stick with guile 1.8 
and an older version of swig. Working code will be generated in both cases.

But what about our tarballs ? There we currently have a problem. The tarballs 
are shipped 
with pre-generated wrapper code. So a consumer of our tarballs doesn't have the 
choice: it 
has to find a guile version compatible with the pre-generated wrapper code. The 
pre-generated wrapper code is not guile 2 compatible, because it's still 
generated with an 
older swig version.

This mostly affects distro packagers. Most distros are currently switching to 
guile 2. Since our 
tarballs are not guile 2 ready, distros still have to provide guile 1.8 as well.

Also it sends the wrong message: we claim gnucash is guile 2 ready, but we ship 
a tarball 
that doesn't work with guile 2 ? Not good.

So here's my request: can we do future 2.5.x releases on a machine that has 
swig 2.0.10 
installed ? I know it's incredibly recent software, but it would correct the 
message we send 
and make the lives of several distro packagers more easy.

With "future", I don't mean 2.5.2 that's currently in the middle of a release, 
but perhaps 2.5.3 
end of June would be possible ?

There is one more devil in the details: while the tarballs for 2.5.x should 
ideally be generated 
on a system with swig 2.0.10, tarballs for any possible future 2.4.x releases 
should *not*. 
Reason: swig 2.0.10 drops support for guile 1.6, while we claim gnucash 2.4.x 
does support 
guile 1.6.

So either 2.4.x and 2.5.x releases should be done from different machines or we 
drop support 
for guile 1.6 as well in the next 2.4.x release (if any).

What do you think ?

@John: since you are currently doing most releases, the question is probably 
aimed mostly at 
you: are you willing to install swig 2.0.10 on a machine you will be generating 
tarballs on ?

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