Interesting. And good to know there is such guidance for new users on first run.

I got both mac and linux to fire the dialog with the --nofile option.

So a bug in gnc_get_file_to_load()?

Any trace or something else you need to see what it’s returning?


> On Sep 13, 2018, at 9:36 AM, John Ralls <> wrote:
> Adrien,
> The new user dialog opens if there’s no file to open and a preference hasn’t 
> been set; running the dialog sets the preference. It offers to run the NAHSA, 
> the QIF import assistant, or to run a new user tutorial (which actually just 
> opens the T&CG at the table of contents).
> To see it on your mac, do
>  defaults write org.gnucash.Gnucash 
> /org/gnucash/dialogs/new-user/first-startup "1"
>  /Applications/ --nofile
> You might try starting GnuCash with --nofile on your new VM to see if that 
> triggers it. If so it means that for some reason gnc_get_file_to_load() is 
> returning something besides NULL.
> It’s currently not possible to have GnuCash running without an open session 
> and accompanying book, even if the book doesn’t even have a root account. 
> That leads to having the “save” button lighted and being asked to save when 
> there’s nothing to save.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Sep 13, 2018, at 7:09 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>> <> wrote:
>> Just tested in a Xubuntu 18.04 vm.
>> I got the tip of the day overlaid on the splash screen. I closed the tip 
>> dialog, the splash screen disappeared and the main GnuCash window appeared.
>> It’s blank save for the menu and two buttons, one to save the current file 
>> and one to close the currently active page. (whatever that means)
>> Here’s a screenshot:
>> I didn’t think an actual book exists here, but the title bar does say 
>> ‘unsaved book’ at the top.
>> Clicking the “Close the currently active page” button does nothing. (perhaps 
>> because there is no currently active page)
>> Clicking the “Save File” button brings up a save file dialog. Completing 
>> this saves the file, changes the title bar to now say, in this case, 
>> ’test.gnucash - Gnucash’ but otherwise does nothing. The NAHSA doesn’t run. 
>> There’s zero indication what the user is supposed to do at this point.
>> So if there is supposed to be a ‘Welcome’ screen to guide the user on 
>> getting started, it isn’t firing. Is this new for 3.x?
>> Note, this test was done using 2.6.19-1 which was in the bionic repos so I’m 
>> not going to file a bug on this, but I’ll next build a fresh copy of 3.2 and 
>> see what happens.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Sep 13, 2018, at 8:36 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> There’s a “Welcome to GnuCash!” screen? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. 
>>> I’m going to test in a vm and see what happens.
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrien
>>>> On Sep 13, 2018, at 8:33 AM, David T. <> wrote:
>>>> Adrien,
>>>> I just tried using a new login on my Mac to run a newly-downloaded copy of 
>>>> GnuCash, and I also found myself staring at a blank screen after startup. 
>>>> Having just worked on the documentation for the “Welcome to GnuCash!” 
>>>> screen, I am curious to know *when* that screen actually runs? Does 
>>>> GnuCash have some hidden element that knows that it has been run on any 
>>>> login of my Mac, or is this aspect broken? Seems a shame to have a welcome 
>>>> mat at the front door, and then have everyone use the service entrance.
>>>> David
>>>>> On Sep 13, 2018, at 8:53 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> I was going to mention this in my reply to David Cousens but didn’t want 
>>>>> to hijack the thread.
>>>>> The greatest source of confusion I’ve seen from new users personally is 
>>>>> the blank screen you see on first run with no indication what to do next. 
>>>>> (unless this has changed with 3.x, I haven’t started a ‘fresh’ copy of 
>>>>> GnuCash in some time)
>>>>> Perhaps if this screen offered buttons for “Open existing book” or 
>>>>> “Create new book” that then launches the appropriate assistant(s) could 
>>>>> work well here.
>>>>> Does this fall in line with what you mentioned about ‘first screen’ or 
>>>>> was that the ‘first screen of the assistant’?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Adrien
>>>>>> On Sep 13, 2018, at 7:41 AM, D <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Having raised yet another ruckus on the lists regarding documentation, I 
>>>>>> will back off altogether, and work to write documentation on the 
>>>>>> assistant as it is, taking care to balance the needs of the different 
>>>>>> user groups.
>>>>>> My only final comment is to note that it is unfortunate that this 
>>>>>> assistant is what all users see when they click File->New. Perhaps the 
>>>>>> idea of adding buttons on the first screen for Business and Personal 
>>>>>> setup (along with a modification in sequencing for the latter option) 
>>>>>> could be implemented with minor developer effort?
>>>>>> I have a greater appreciation for the many different perspectives in the 
>>>>>> community, and thank everyone for their input.
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> On September 13, 2018, at 8:10 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> David,
>>>>>> I agree on all points.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Adrien
>>>>>>> On Sep 12, 2018, at 10:19 PM, David Cousens <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Adrien,
>>>>>>> While I agree with the concept David T is proposing to streamline the 
>>>>>>> process for new users and the thrust of your
>>>>>>> comments about the new user experience, the new account heirarchy at 
>>>>>>> least as it is currently implemented, will be used
>>>>>>> by anyone creating a new set of books, whether they are experienced 
>>>>>>> Gnucash users, experienced accountants, total
>>>>>>> newbies or someone transferring from another program.
>>>>>>> As a newbie you can get a perfectly usable set of accounts for 
>>>>>>> exploring Gnucash by simply clicking Next through the
>>>>>>> assistant then Apply and then saving the file. 
>>>>>>> Perhaps this needs to be made clearer to new users as well as informing 
>>>>>>> them that any choices they make can be changed
>>>>>>> later (except for the very few cases where this is not possible - I 
>>>>>>> can't think of any but I personally don't currently
>>>>>>> use the full capabilty set of GnuCash's features but I used more in the 
>>>>>>> past). 
>>>>>>> If this was done up front, they could then easily skip through.
>>>>>>> The suggestion John made of creating a simplified new file option with 
>>>>>>> defaults based on the locale and an advanced
>>>>>>> setup option using the NAHS Assistant seems to meet this need as well.  
>>>>>>> Even knowing what you want in a CoA requires a
>>>>>>> fair understanding of your accounting needs as well as the 
>>>>>>> functionality of GnuCash. Alternatively in other posts I
>>>>>>> think both Frank and I have suggested a checkbox which by default 
>>>>>>> disables selecting those options which a new user is
>>>>>>> going to find confusing and provides default values. 
>>>>>>> I would have thought the CoA setup is not too bad. It comes with the 
>>>>>>> common accounts selected, it does perhaps give the
>>>>>>> new user a view that there is a lot more to explore. Some new users 
>>>>>>> will be looking for business functionality and other
>>>>>>> "advanced " functionality from the get go. There will always be a few 
>>>>>>> new users who will be confused by having to start
>>>>>>> the program.
>>>>>>> Personally when evaluating software, I jump in without reading manuals 
>>>>>>> first because I figure if the interface isn't
>>>>>>> intuitive to a decent extent, I am not going to want to go too much 
>>>>>>> further, unless I really have no other option.
>>>>>>> Intuitive for an experienced computer user can however be very 
>>>>>>> different for someone with limited experience. My wife
>>>>>>> never reads manuals ever, she just asks me. I on the other hand consult 
>>>>>>> my 5 year old grand daughter.
>>>>>>> I share Mechtilde's concern that in making things easier for the new 
>>>>>>> user we don't lose functionality for the
>>>>>>> experienced user. We should hopefully look for mechanisms for doing 
>>>>>>> both.
>>>>>>> David Cousens
>>>>>>> On Wed, 2018-09-12 at 10:33 -0500, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>>>>>>>> As someone who has helped other people get started using GnuCash (and 
>>>>>>>> remembering my own first steps) I agree
>>>>>>>> completely with these points. Those book preferences are not self 
>>>>>>>> explanatory. (perhaps bugs in their own right) A new
>>>>>>>> user is left to either trust the defaults and move on, pause and 
>>>>>>>> revisit the startup process several times while they
>>>>>>>> track down help info and digest it, or give up in frustration. (I’ve 
>>>>>>>> seen the latter three times—you may or not be
>>>>>>>> surprised how many people do *not* want to read a book before they 
>>>>>>>> start using a piece of software, I chose the second
>>>>>>>> option personally)
>>>>>>>> Unless the startup assistant (wizard, druid, whatever) can be 
>>>>>>>> redesigned as an explanatory walk through to choose
>>>>>>>> these settings, that part should be removed and the defaults chosen 
>>>>>>>> for the user.
>>>>>>>> As for trading accounts, I turned them on after the fact for tracking 
>>>>>>>> commodities as additional currencies. I’ve never
>>>>>>>> bought or sold any since doing that, but I’ve played with turning the 
>>>>>>>> setting on and off to experiment with the
>>>>>>>> setting’s effect on some reports and I’ve never noticed any issues. 
>>>>>>>> (but again, I only have opening balance
>>>>>>>> transactions in each currency) If turning Trading Accounts off after 
>>>>>>>> entering buy/sell transactions is bad news, then
>>>>>>>> I would think the option to do so should be disabled.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Adrien
>>>>>>>>> On Sep 12, 2018, at 9:38 AM, David T. via gnucash-devel 
>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> As I begin the process of migrating text from the Help to the Guide 
>>>>>>>>> (cf. Bug 796855), I am working on the Help
>>>>>>>>> information regarding the New Account Hierarchy Setup (NAHS) 
>>>>>>>>> assistant, and I have a couple of questions about the
>>>>>>>>> second screen of the assistant, the “New Book Options” screen. 
>>>>>>>>> First off, while I respect the intent to allow users the option to 
>>>>>>>>> set these preferences from the creation of their
>>>>>>>>> file, I wonder whether this is misguided. To wit: all of these 
>>>>>>>>> options are quite technical in nature, and all of
>>>>>>>>> them can be set at a later point by opening the appropriate 
>>>>>>>>> preferences. Adding these options here adds complexity
>>>>>>>>> that can easily be deferred to a later point. While it is true that 
>>>>>>>>> this assistant runs whenever a user chooses
>>>>>>>>> File->New (meaning that an experienced user might wish to add these 
>>>>>>>>> settings from the assistant), I am willing to
>>>>>>>>> hazard a guess that most users will invoke this assistant *only* when 
>>>>>>>>> they first start using GnuCash, and *only*
>>>>>>>>> when their heads are already swimming with the overwhelming 
>>>>>>>>> experience that is GnuCash. Asking a new user to choose
>>>>>>>>> whether to use Trading Accounts or to Use Split Action Field for 
>>>>>>>>> Number is IMHO pointless. They aren’t going to be
>>>>>>>>> able to make an informed decision. 
>>>>>>>>> <aside>I’ll note that this becomes an obvious issue when I attempt to 
>>>>>>>>> write the help section for the screen. I am
>>>>>>>>> left either with writing a huge explanatory section on the details of 
>>>>>>>>> each of these settings, which detracts from
>>>>>>>>> the flow of the NAHS narrative, or with adding a generic note that 
>>>>>>>>> advises users to accept the defaults and read
>>>>>>>>> about the details in other sections of the Guide.</aside>
>>>>>>>>> So, for the new user, the only real effect of this screen is to 
>>>>>>>>> introduce confusion and questions. Can it be removed
>>>>>>>>> from the assistant?
>>>>>>>>> Related to this screen, my second question has to do with the “Use 
>>>>>>>>> Trading Accounts” setting. Can it be turned off
>>>>>>>>> once it has been enabled in a given GnuCash file?
>>>>>>>>> ISTR that this option is a one-way street—i.e., that, once turned on, 
>>>>>>>>> it can not be turned off again. Is this still
>>>>>>>>> the case? If it is still true, then I would strongly suggest that 
>>>>>>>>> this option shouldn’t be placed on the NAHS
>>>>>>>>> Assistant, since a new user won’t be aware of this.
>>>>>>>>> David
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